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1lb Raw Peruvian Cacao Paste

A note from Rama:


It wasn't until fairly recently that I discovered the true spirit of Cacao. I'd been using Raw Cacao Powder for years as a base for some of my products as a medium to help consumers introduce tonic herbs into their diet using a flavor profile that we've all come to know and love: Chocolate! But my error was that I was using Cacao primarily as a means to share other plant medicines and not acknowledging it as the incredible and sacred spirit medicine that it is in itself. It wasn't until I dropped a chunk of pure Raw Cacao Paste into my Mystic Mushroom Mocha one morning that I became an enthusiastic convert to the Cult of Cacao. While Raw Cacao Powder is still a great medicine it lacks the potent spirit of the Cacao plant as it has gone through a de-fatting process that dulls its vital life force. But Raw, Stone-Ground Cacao Paste captures the full vital essence of this plant medicine and after using it on a daily basis & bonding with this plant I became inspired to share it as one of my offerings. Now available with a milk-frother to help blend tonics and emulsify fats while mixing on-the-go.

1lb Raw Peruvian Cacao Paste

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